Saturday, July 24, 2010

Receding Forests-Environmental activism needed..

I was searching for a furniture piece recently.I was amazed to see the cost of basic furniture shoot up enormously.The reason was-Wood scarcity,No natural teak and rose wood available in much of the country.Even though our population is shooting up to almost a billion,we have not cared to increase the forest cover over our country.

The end result,mass plunder and destruction of our limited forest resources to satiate an insatiable appetite for wood and allied products.

We need more NGOS to work at the grassroots in afforestry programs to solve this problem.We need an performing environmental ministry rather an namesake protagonist.

Environmental activism is needed,However what is happening is an ostrich like approach,Burying the head in the sand and failing to see reality.

1 comment:

srikanth said...

dei...i am a member of is one of the most active environment agencies and i myself have submitted countless online petitions from changing clauses on nuclear bills to saving ridley sea turtles.......u can become a member and do u r bit....