The matrimony process has evolved over time.The present age has pushed the matrimonial process online.The basic issue is Man's need for a partner in life.
So what does man look for in a partner or mate?.
Physical attractiveness,emotional intelligence,education,emotional compatibility,empathy,,....and a huge list depending on the individual.
For the folks who have been successful in finding a partner through
direct interaction the emotional factor outweighs the other parameters.
For the other fellas who have not been able to find the right match in flesh
and blood,the search takes recourse to other channels like online partner portals.
It is interesting to note that these portals have degenerated into almost a commodity trading or auction portals as the protagonists have redefined the
rules of the game.Each person has become a product with a list of various
parameters like salary,geographical location and age giving an overall
stake value to the online "human commodity".

This sort of commoditization of human relationships seems a dangerous portent for society in general as it shows that human values have taken a backseat which is generally a trend in our current age with limited relationships,closed societies,
old age asylums increased homogenization of the once heterogeneous society.
We should look into our roots and bring our traditional instincts into place
into this sinister commoditization of human relationships.Just look at the
flowers,birds and primitive animals.Love is pure...!!
An amalgam of of our instinctive and natural preferences into our modern
ultra-chic preferences may help lighten things a bit.
Adam and eve,Krishna and the flower children may seem good
paradigms in our current search for relationships.
On a lighter vein,A bit of rest from this modern commodity trading.....lol!